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Crossing Over 16” X 20” Oil on Canvas © Dennis Lee Brown 6-2022 - Dennis's Fine Art (ARR)

Setting Up The Canvas

Canvas Art

The canvas used by artists is of premium quality, stretched on a wood frame, double primed, and wired for hanging. Then dried, an underlayer of medium functions as a foundation upon which to build the artwork. The bottom layer of the medium in most cases acts as a color backing for the painting or drawing.

Stretched canvas on a wooden frame is the gold standard support for paintings in acrylic, charcoal, graphite, pastels, and oils. Artists also use canvas for the creation of other art projects. However, when applying whatever medium or media, the front of the canvas is always prepared with a premium primer first.

Premium Primed Canvas

Primed Canvas 

Prepare canvas with a premium primer, usually Gesso, or an acrylic

Painting On Stretched Canvas

Oil Painting on Canvas

Paint/draw on the front primed side of canvas

Stretched Canvas On Wood Frame

Stretch Canvas On Wood

Stretch the canvas around a wood frame to support the artwork

Painting With Finished Edges

Finished Canvas Edges

Finish the  edges of the canvas to matchthe painting

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