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Balls On An Ole Pedestal
Balls on Linen

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Art Stats
Artwork:………….Balls On An Old Pedestal
Category:………..Still-life Arrangement
Dimensions:…….17”w X 14”h
Medium:............Charcoal and Graphite Support…..………Smooth Bristol
Copyright:……….© Dennis Lee Brown
(ARR)……………..Dennis’s Fine Art
Year……………….©10/ 2021
IMG:……………… E0954 -255USD.JPG

Hatching & Cross-hatching
Sketching & Scribbling
Circles & Directional
Stripping & Subtractions
Blending & Smearing
Pointillism & Markings
Drawing Mediums:
Graphite/Drawing Pencils (Full Range of H & B Leads)
Charcoal: Compressed, Sticks & Pencils
Pastels (dry & oils)
Drawing Tools:
Stumps & Trillions
Charcoal, Graphite Pencils, Stumps & Tortillons
Drawing Supports:
Artist Acid-Free Bristle Drawing Papers
Various Textures & Finishes
Masonite, Wood Panels, & Canvases
Medium Subtraction Tools
Erasers: Knead, Plastic, Gum

Drawing see-through objects is a pleasure to undertake as in the large crystal ball in this drawing. I like to see the other items in the compositions as there appear through the clear items.
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